5.24 it is for this week. Now a days this figures don't bother me as much as it used to 5 months back. From an exponential curve it has nose dived into what it is today. Much has already been deliberated and talked upon. Is the 0% inflation anywhere near the horizon. Look closely, and it seems very likely. I have never had the opportunity to live in a nil inflation economy. What would it be like to know that the prices are not rising. It definitely is a very good thing but the money chasing commodities would reduce. This would mean less money in circulation and this definitely will not bode well for some. Hold on. Well, I am not an economist nor am I someone with a degree in Economics. I am just speaking what my stupidity asks me to. Let me exemplify my stupidity by this , Oh God Had it been true , scenario. If I have 10 girlfriends then my heart would definitely beat faster, with the heartbeats increasing with every increase in the number of girlfriends. On the other hand, if I always have these 10 girlfriends then, I am bound to get used to it and there wouldn't be anything in for me then. Life would be the same. Hence my heartbeats would start falling eventually a day will come when I will get so bored that my heart beat would tend to zero. A state of nil inflation. Definitely not good for me ! Now what if the number of girlfriends I have start reducing? Seems to be really bad. Though , now I can pay more attention to each girlfriend , it is not something that would resemble my heartbeat moments during inflationary years. If the prices of all commodities start falling together, we will see a rise in the consumption initially but if the negative inflation or deflation persists, then over a period of time, consumption would start dropping. Neither extremes are good for us for they will hamper our economic growth badly. I from now onwards, would start valuing each girlfriend more than the entire group. For this shall be my only way out of trouble. In a Deflated Economy am going to keep an Inflated Heart.
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