Saturday, March 27, 2010

Experience at Tata Crucible Campus Edition

I would never get tired of saying this. The experience at Tata Crucible is one of the best that I get in the whole year. The couple of hours long round of rapid fire quizzing just gets you on your feet. It is also the place where I meet some of my friends from college and I see most of the regular quizzers around. This time too the experience at the Mumbai regional rounds was awesome. It was ITM all the way with SPCE being a close runner up. Giri, the quizmaster, declared that the finals would be held on 10th April and I have already put in my email requesting a pass. Is there a way am gonna miss it? Never! Anyways, the icing on the cake was some comments from the head of Group of Hotels, a subsidiary of the TATA group. He cited a story. There was a corn growing competition that was held in a village. One villager won the event all the way. After winning he distributed his share of winnings, corn seeds, amongst other farmers from neighbouring farms. When they asked why he was parting with his winnings whereas he could have used that to sow more corn and reap more the next year, he replied that once these seeds germinate, there shall be pollination carried from these farms to his farms and that would increase his productivity. Besides this, he said that he already knew the secret to improve his productivity compared to that of his peers.

Lessons learnt: There are two rules that should be followed in life.
First, sorround yourself with people who are more intelligent and knowledgable than you are.
Second, spread and distribute knowledge, for it comes around in better forms.

For me, it was again an outstanding experience, amidst the charm of Taj President.

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