Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life's Like That.

They, in fact all so called, self-declared greats and the actual greats, say that as you grow so does your clarity on life. But in my case, I find things getting hazier than ever or that my perspective on things has changed so much in the last six months that instead of getting clearer they are getting hazier. After all it leads me to think every time I compare myself with what I was six months back. Not that I have changed but my thinking has. Being born in a conservative Hindu family brings along a set of unasked baggage. Some of them worth carrying throughout your life and others best disposed as soon as you find a suitable place to. Naturally, things we learn in childhood are in black and white, either Good or Bad. It is only life’s experience that has taught me why some good things are bad and some bad things are good at times. This has caused all the blurring and with life's so called uncertainty which is fairly far from Heisenberg’s realm, things don’t get any sweeter. One thing that I have learnt and maybe one of the most intangible and yet valuable lessons outside my MBA classes is that there is no point trying to steer your life because no one can. The best we can do is to shape things up as things shape up.  I do not know how much sense it makes for am writing after a hiatus of nearly 8 months. With the sun outside shining bright and humidity getting the better of you in Mumbai, it makes sense for me to be indoors and revive my stupidity and the vestigial intellectual remnants through my blog. Will keep it updated.

1 comment:

Shivs said...

I like the way you have drafted the last few sentences. N over all I appreciate the way you placed it...Good work Subin