Happiness. It is 1:50 AM, and this post is a repercussion of 4 shots of vodka and some amazingly blended sutta aka cigarettes. The term happiness is as elusive as the beautiful girl I don’t let my eyes off during the Lsquare parties in my college. For long, I have held a linear view on happiness. I always thought of it as a function of some definite variables in life, which when attains an optimum value will finally help me break or reach the happiness threshold. But every time I try to reach this threshold of happiness some new unknown variables get added to the function and put me off limit. After-all, what can a B school student aspire for in life? Fame, Grade, Good Placements, Love. Oh wait, did I mention love? Why does it have to appear in anything and everything in life? I don’t know. Even when I try not to, it keeps on appearing in every aspect of my life. For the other elements can be attained through your efforts but love is something that happens and is truly an unknown random variable over which we don’t have any influence over. After much of pondering I have realized that to attain a true level of happiness you need all elements in good proportion and to complete it you need a bare minimum value of the random variable called love. Surely, life still goes on without this variable. You still would get happiness. Just increase the importance of other variables in life. Mathematically speaking, this will not give an optimum solution. To put things in perspective, unless we have bare minimum quantity of everything in life we cannot arrive at true happiness. Our happiness value will always tend towards the optimum value but never really near it. Happiness will always remain elusive. The feeling then is different. You might have everything you've ever yearned for but still have a feeling of emptiness. But ain't this happiness function different for different individuals. It surely is. I have just put a perspective to my thoughts on this post. Whatever be the variables that define your happiness, identify them and strive towards increasing their values. Their lies the true happiness. I ain't any person who is seeking the eternal truth in this world. As our understanding on life and its true objective improves, we would need lesser variables to attain happiness and these variables would be very much under our control. I still have to begin that journey so I have to carry a burden of too many variables to keep. It surely is tough and so shall be shown in my efforts. I wish, hearts would have listened instead of head.
:-* :-*
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