Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The First Three Glasses of My Life


I had never had the experience of being party to any booze party. If at all, I would just hold on to the relative innocuous cousins of the big boozes. But, this time around, I just decided to give it a shot. Well, the occasion was a DJ nite organized by or rather showered upon by the rare generosity of our superiors had it not been for the Client's visit. I had no plans of ever having a drink, forget being part of the function. At the last moment, I decided to make my presence at the event. Then came the moment when the pitcher was ordered for. I knew, I had been a teetotaler till that day but I somehow wanted to shrug off that tag. There I was with the first glass of the bitter extract in my hand. As the tart tasting liquid made way through my throat, I had the satisfaction of having achieved something that I never thought I would. Then came the second and third glasses, each giving me a different reason to smile for. Well, the least I should say, I was almost near to puking on the third glass but I somehow managed it decently. I would always remember this not for what I did but that I did.

1 comment:

Ajay Pratap Singh said...

Each crafted word, speaks its own story. I was fortunate to share that moment with you. After been through these magnificent portrait, I am realizing that everyone in that booze was try to triumph over their discontent, but no one realized to achieve such extent. To see the world from a bird view is exceptional because we don’t pull off ourselves to that level but you did it........and you rocked…