Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Certain Uncertainty



I always used to take my life as a pre-programmed, kind of algorithmic. For I was sure, albeit in a surreal manner, about the certainty of things. It was only before a few days or rather months that I realized the absurdity of certainty. Be it any part of life, right from career to love, we never know what's gonna happen. All the brilliant minds from the world of economics couldn't guess the housing bubble and we still do not know if there are any bubbles building up in US T-bonds or bullion. For, we can only influence the outcome, not decide it. The book, "Fooled by Randomness" authored any Nassim Nicholas Taleb, went a long way in reinforcing this belief in me.

Stop worrying about what would be in store for us tomorrow. Today, is our best bet. Living in the moment, as rightly said by Steve Jobs, would help us better our prospects for tomorrow. We, Humans are a strange species, we are too stupid to learn from history and yet over ambitious to ensconce in our future. Why not, live our life to the full in the present, do all those things that we wanted to, say all that we wanted to, achieve all that we wanted to. The future is unknown to everyone, today is a pedestal that we can build upon each passing day. So, knowing my abilities and my limitations, I really do not know if I would get all that I want. Today, I will be who I want to be so that I prepare myself for Tomorrow.

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